Women's Writes - Works

Women's Writes

Well-behaved women seldom make history.
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Posts in Women's History Month
Day 21

This morning I made the biggest mistake of my life. I opened my trap in front of the guys at the office. They were dissing women, as usual, talking about how weak we were, how ridiculous we were, how stupid we were. Well, I certainly managed to prove I was stupid. It wasn’t that I disagreed with them, or that I presented evidence to back up my claim. No, that was all right. I proved I was stupid by accepting their challenge. Prove it, they said. Not statistics, those lie. Prove you can take pain. Prove we can’t break you.

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Day 16

The image of Brady’s bathroom before she moved in flashed before her eyes, but she didn’t say anything. It had taken her half a day to get all the caked on soap scum off the tub, and the toilet…well, it probably should have been a Superfund site. She smiled a tight smile and went back to the bathroom, leaving Brady to struggle with Mia’s diaper. He knew how to change a diaper. Megan suspected he did it badly so she would always do it. Same thing with putting dishes away. He always put the big dishes on top of the small ones until she finally took it away from him and did it herself so they wouldn’t have any more broken dishes.

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Day 13

Girl’s toys and Boy’s toys are more separated in space in toy stores than ever before. Walking through the girl’s section of a clothing store can make you think some monster vomited pink vomit. You may feel like you are drowning in a pool of pink. Gender reveal parties are pink themed or blue themed. I have even heard people refer to women as a “species”. Damn it, I didn’t even know I was a separate species. I always assumed I was human. I have heard people talking about writing women needing to “get the dialect right”

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Day 11

Two years ago, Lynette had participated in a research project at the college. A student was surveying older women to see if they were satisfied with their life, if they were happy with their choices. She had bubbled and chirped about how fulfilling it had been to give up her career and settle down to take care of her husband and her children, be a full time mother and devote her life to service.

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Day 10

Hi, everyone. Long day today, so I feel like I’m copping out. I am giving you a haiku. I am simply too exhausted to write any more syllables. But it has been a satisfying day, spent doing work I find interesting and rewarding, work I am able to do thanks to the battles fought by those brave, wonderful women who came before. I want to make sure their work wasn’t in vain.

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Day 3

The pundits have determined that the fight is between the middle-of-the-road and the radical. Biden and Klobuchar represent the first; Warren and Sanders represent the second. One woman, one man in each camp. The pundits reporting on the South Carolina primary advised Warren and Klobuchar to withdraw, to allow Biden and Sanders to fight it out for the nomination, throwing their voters into one or the other camps. This makes sense, if you think about it, but…wait, what?

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Day 2

It was midnight. The office was dark, except for the small light burning at her desk. The last page…the last paragraph…the last word. It was done. Lisa tried to remember how many days she’d been working on this, but her brain seemed frozen from exhaustion. She flipped off the light, slid her feet back into the shoes under her desk, and escaped at last, ready for bed.

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