All my life, tired.
Get up in the morning,
Make the coffee,
Run out the door.
“Well-behaved women seldom make history.”
Lorelei has always been a good wife. She does what she is supposed to do, and gives Ogden little reason to complain. But when Ogden comes home from his latest dig, something has changed. He is acting strangely, and all the other men on his team are behaving just as odd. The women are puzzled and worried; are their men going crazy?
Buy Resolved by Robin Buckallew today.
Read MoreIt all started when I got married. Menelaus, that’s my husband. He was the king of Sparta. I was told I would be happy. I was told I would learn to love him…or at least to tolerate him and be able to stand it when he put his hands all over me. I was told all sorts of things. I was just a girl. I was too young to be getting married. I should have still been playing, making daisy chains, laughing with my girlfriends. But there I was, packed off to live with a man much older than me, a man I didn’t know, a man who didn’t really know how to love. I was a possession, a trophy. He paraded me through the streets of town to show everyone how beautiful I was, then locked me away to make sure no one could look at me.
Read MoreAlameda sorted out the books, carefully arranging them in alphabetical order. Tomorrow she would need to take them back to the library. She needed more; she had read all of these. She fingered the title of each book, wanting to commit it to memory, wanting to never forget anything she read. Someday it might be useful. Someday she might need this knowledge. At nine, Alameda was already committed to a life of learning. She had selected three colleges that she was interested in attending, and was doing her best to keep her grades high enough to get accepted. It wasn’t easy, especially sharing her room with two sisters who tended toward noise, and the long list of chores each of them completed every night. It could be hard keeping up with her homework with a nine o’clock curfew, but somehow she always got it done.
Read MoreI was born under Venus rising. I was told I had an abnormally long love line. Numerous Tarot readings predicted I would be lucky in love. And when I met…him…I knew. I was truly blessed by the goddess of love.
Read MoreThe rest of the day was like a strange reality show. It was both like and unlike courtroom shows on the television, and it wasn’t even much like the original hearing. Perhaps each judge had their own style, but Amber felt much more comfortable this time. The judge didn’t spend all his time glaring at her, but maintained a neutral manner from the beginning to the end. Her lawyer focused on her case, and was prepared for a major fight if need be. She had prepared pages upon pages of notes, and her brief was thorough and damning. She knew her stuff.
Read MoreAmber realized this was the woman Brad had left her for, the model he had become enamored with, the one who made his wife seem quotidian, ordinary, down to earth. Amber had never pretended to be exotic, and watching Marguerite now, she was glad she had never adopted that style. The woman oozed insincerity, but Brad didn’t seem to notice. He didn’t take his eyes off her even as he asked Amber to run a couple of errands for him after the kids left.
Read MoreAmber shifted from foot to foot, waiting for the door. She pressed the bell again, knowing it had a habit of failing to work at the most important times. She resisted the urge to peek in the window and see if anyone was home. He should be home…they had an appointment. Was he just playing cat-and-mouse with her? She checked her watch against her phone; both showed the same time, and it was three minutes after time. She’d been standing here for five minutes. It was time to go.
Read MoreI pulled my chair closer to the desk and slid my growing belly into the space designed for a human body without that extra appendage. I glared at the offending protrusion as though it were to blame for my current situation. Actually, I think it probably was, but it wasn’t the fault of the child that was growing inside me. It was the fault of a world that seemed to believe that a pregnant woman was…well, something other than fully human.
Read MoreOgden started to crumple the card and throw it in the trash, but he caught sight of the name and straightened. He grabbed the tie he had thrown against the wall last night when he came home and buttoned his collar. He motioned to Lorelei and she brought him the suit jacket she hung on the coat rack last night after he flung it in the general direction and missed. When he arranged himself to his satisfaction, and smoothed his unruly hair, he growled at Lorelei to usher the men into the study. Lorelei rushed to comply, glad she would not be punished for intruding today.
Read MoreThe face was unfamiliar…but it was mine. Was it? Who was this man staring back at me? The mustache…the scar…the blue eyes with the puzzled look…that was me. I dug in my back pocket; I must have a wallet there. I came up empty. So, my face…but no name…nothing. I was lost, so lost I couldn’t even read the map of my own reflection.
Read MoreNEIL goes back to the computer, frowns, and starts to type. We see the words “Get off the Internet, bitch”, but before he can hit enter, the screen goes black. NEIL checks the cord, wiggles it, turns the computer back on, but the screen stays black. He begins to hit the computer, first softly, then harder. Finally, he hits the computer screen, but instead of his fist bouncing off, it glides into the computer screen as though it were made of water. He pulls on his arm. It won’t come out of the computer.
Read MoreThis poem is dedicated to all ex-husbands everywhere. I wish them only the best, that they should receive all that they deserve.
Read MoreSo Feminazi has decided to ring in on that. This movement from my ever-growing satire, The Feminazi Cycle, is the most recent addition to a play that risks becoming as long as Angels in America (which, even split in two, runs about 2.5 to 3 hours per segment!). I guess the history of women is a big topic, so what the heck. Anyway, for you my dear readers, a new installment of Feminazi, hot off the...keyboard.
Read MoreWell, here it is - my first post-Women's History Month post. This poem could speak to some of you who have had similar experiences with men making you feel uncomfortable.
Read MoreSo I wrote. I wrote about the punchbowl. I wrote about being told I should be flattered when harassed. I wrote about my doll (well, actually, she’s a great memory. She belonged to my grandmother, a strong woman who taught me a lot, and tried her best to teach me how to have confidence in myself when everyone else was trying to teach me the opposite. She failed, but it wasn’t her fault). I wrote about the struggle with anorexia. I tried not to hurt as I wrote, but sometimes that’s not possible. I tried not to cry as I wrote, but sometimes tears are the only way we can communicate. I tried not to die inside as I wrote, and I think I did achieve that. I have a great husband who gives me fabulous support, and it helps to know the husband, the dog, and the two cats are all rooting for me, waiting for me at the end of the line, hoping I will cross that tape, even though I will not be first. There have been so many marvelous women there before me, so many incredible women who have been relegated to the dustbin of history in spite of their important contributions.
Read MoreAnnouncement and link to purchase Robin Buckallew's new book: Blood Ready
Read MoreLadies and gentlemen, I know what you have heard here has been damning. The victim was knocked down, his wallet snatched. Our witnesses are unimpeachable. The defendant signed an affidavit the night of the arrest. Yes, he had been drinking, but he wasn’t drunk, not enough to exclude the confession. It must seem to you like we’re wasting your time, making you come over here and listen to this, when you could be home with your loved ones. I agree. I think it is a total waste of your time. This case should never have been brought to the court at all.
Read MoreEmily struggled against the straps. She screamed, letting everyone know she was still here, and still alive. No one had been around for quite some time, ever since they strapped her down. Where was Ethan? He had left her here to die, to be killed, to be treated like a criminal. How could he say he loved her, and then subject her to this torture?
Read MoreA sound behind me alerted me that I and my coffee were no longer alone. I whirled, and found myself staring into a familiar pair of blue eyes. “How did you get in here? Go away”, I told the asshole in front of me. “You don’t belong here.”
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