Women's Writes - Works

Women's Writes

Well-behaved women seldom make history.
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Posts tagged Tomboys
Day Fourteen

It was the 1970s, and a glorious time for Women’s Lib (which it was called back then; I never hear that term anymore). A little girl was confused. On the one hand, these wonderful women were taking steps and making progress to gain rights for women equal to those enjoyed by men. Her future looked much brighter as a result of them. On the other hand, her mother, her teachers, her church, her television…everything, including movies and music…were presenting an ideal of womanhood that didn’t fit with the goals of Women’s Lib. It seemed a woman could be everything she wanted, but she had to do it wearing high heels, make up, perfectly coifed hair, and carrying trays of cookies or cinnamon rolls for her man to enjoy. Her mother told her women were to stay home, have kids, and make sure their husband got the credit for any ideas they had.

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