The environment is in trouble. We all know that, even those who won’t admit it. For centuries, humans have altered the natural systems to suit them; now, they may have started the process of their own demise by altering the environment so much it will no longer support them. You may wonder what this has to do with Women’s History Month. Fair enough. It is my belief that the damage to the environment is intimately bound in with misogyny and women. In fact, they are so inextricably bound together they cannot be separated.
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Women's Writes
“Well-behaved women seldom make history.”
I read. A lot. Some of the books I read are feminist books, and I’ve noticed something, especially among the younger feminists. There is a tendency to say that no woman should have to be perfectly feminist all the time; she can make some choices that are not, in fact, feminist, some choices that might even be stereotypes of what a woman is. I agree. I have noticed another thing, however. They are always willing to carve out an exception for whatever it is they like…lipstick, high heels, perfume…but they are quick to condemn other women’s choices of where they prefer to be, shall we say, traditional?
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