Women's Writes - Works

Women's Writes

Well-behaved women seldom make history.
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Posts tagged sexual assault
Day Four

I was reading recently about an incident in Spain, where the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation was accused and found guilty of sexual assault. His crime? Kissing a female player on the lips without her permission. I don’t really have much to say about this case; it’s nearly two years old, and I wasn’t following it at the time. I would like to talk instead about the article I was reading, because it is a good example of a problem that is epidemic. The problem, of course, is the age old misogyny, but there is more to it than that. It is people who think they are progressive and enlightened, but their sympathy is all for the poor maligned male who received punitive actions for behavior they consider ordinary.

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Day 4

We all saw it…the wave that grew and grew until it became a tsunami. Women for the first time speaking up about harassment, sexual assault, and rape. Women reporting the men who abused them…and doing it publicly. The house of cards was about to tumble and we all got to watch, even those of us who don’t do Twitter. We might not report our own assaults, but we watched it go mainstream. It was on all lips, on every news outlet…#MeToo.

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